Fleet Connect
4 Months
Solo UX Designer
What I did
Industry Landscape
User Flows
Style Guide
Figma Prototyping
About this Project
Fleet Connect is a service offered by Fleeting that matches independent truck owners with drivers and freight. The service allows small trucking companies to earn revenue and remain compliant, all while creating jobs for drivers in the Fleeting network.
Project Goals
Fleet-ownership comes with tons of responsibility. These commercial vehicle owners are typically responsible for keeping their trucks insured, booking loads, tracking maintenance, paying drivers, maintaining communication hardware, managing expenses, and remaining compliant with government agencies. The Fleeting Inc. team took aim easing this process by creating software that would track these key touch-points while reporting on revenue goals. Our team worked within an Agile project management framework in order to deliver our key features, including the following highlights:
Discovery was focused on why new investors were motivated to foray into trucking. We designed a survey and distributed it to owners that were interested in Fleet Connect's Airbnb-like model. Based on their levels of knowledge about the industry, we found that their were three categories of owners the company could potentially provide this service to: First Time Truck Owner, The Small Fleet Owner, and The Owner Operator.
In addition to proto-personas, our results gave some insight into where each truck owner stood in the process of getting their vehicle on the road and where they might need support. This study took the form of 20-30 minute interviews with highlights as follows:
User Journey
The journey for a vehicle owner on the Fleet Connect platform starts at Sign Up and guides Truck Owners through matching their vehicle with a Driver and dealing with necessary maintenance and compliance issues.
Components & UI
This UI will serve as a hub for truck owners to review happenings related to their truck. In the spirit of building an atomic design system, I created reusable Figma components to enable fast changes to the prototype while fielding feedback from stakeholders.
The primary design output was a web-based interface that allows truck owners to manage vehicles and review earnings related to trucks and drivers within a defined time period.
Another key output was the ability to review invoices related to maintenance and notifications related to compliance agencies such as the FMCSA. Vehicle owner can respond to these notification in the platform, making the company aware of the appropriate resolution to a given issue.
The resulting UI is still in development, however, the onboarding prototype can be found here, and the workflow for truck management and maintenance can be found here.